After logging in, click the “KU Profile Tile” menu item.

Click on Contact Details on the left side of the screen:

Add Email Address

Click on the row for Personal e-mail:

Make the appropriate changes:

Note: The Preferred flag is always reset to Campus E-mail address (for students) or Business E-mail Address (for Faculty/staff) nightly. Since the personal email address will be used to recover your password in case you forget, the personal email should NOT be your

Add Phone Number

Click on ‘+’ to add a new phone number

You can update phone numbers, change preferred, add a phone number, or delete a phone number. After making your changes, click “Save.”

Add Emergency Contacts

Click on Emergency Contacts on the left side of the screen:

From this page, you can indicate which emergency contact is your primary contact, add a contact, or edit a contact.

After entering your changes, click “Save.”