Algonquin College developed the Quiz Question Generator tool which provides an easy way of creating a collection of questions that can be imported into D2L Quizzes and Question Library pools.

Step 1: Access the Quiz Question Generator Tool

You can access the online generator tool at:

Step 2: Create or Copy/Paste your Quiz Questions

Follow the instructions provided on the page to format your questions and generate the export file.

Step 3: Import CSV File to D2L

Enter your D2L quiz and click the "Add/Edit Questions" button. If you do not have a quiz created, create a quiz now.

Choose the "Import" option and choose "Upload a File." 

Select the csv file that you saved to your computer. Your questions will appear once the import is complete. Please be sure to check your questions and answers for accuracy!

Finish the quiz setup by adding any grade associations or date restrictions. As always, don't forget to make the quiz active!