The locker tool can be used to upload and store files. Your personal locker files are confidential. All files uploaded to the locker are stored in the learning environment, meaning you can access them from any computer with Internet connection, eliminating the need for flash drives.

Storing Files in the D2L Locker

Navigate to the Locker tool by clicking  "Resources" > "Locker" in the course navigation menu.

Click "Upload Files."

Locate the file on your computer. Then drag and drop the desired file into the upload box. Alternatively, you can click “Upload” and browse for the file on your computer.

Add the file to the Locker by clicking “Save.”

Viewing and Downloading Files from the Locker

To access and view a file in the locker, click on the file name.

To download a file to your computer to edit, select the file(s) and click "Download."