If your instructor is using an Inclusive Access resource for your course, you will be able to access it through D2L.

You’ll find a link to your resource in one of the content modules of the course. If you are having trouble locating the link, please contact your course instructor.

To access your resource, click on the Inclusive Access link.

Your available course materials will appear in the window. Click “Read Now” to open the material.

Receiving an error?

If you receive an "Uh oh, your launch was unsuccessful error, please try the following:

  • Google Chrome is the best browser. If you're not using Chrome, please try again in Chrome.
  • A #401 Error means you need to clear cookies and cache on the device.
  • Make sure you are accessing the materials through D2L each time.
  • If these steps do not help, contact VitalSource support desk at https://support.vitalsource.com