To access the Grade Review Form, login to MyKU and click on the ‘Grade Review’ tile.

Please read all of the instructions that are located at the top of the page in Step 1: Instructions.

In Step 2: Grade Selection, your posted grades will be displayed with the default option to keep your grade.

You have two options for your grades:

  1. Use Pass/NC
  2. Keep Grade

Option 1: Use Pass/NC

Selecting ‘Use Pass/NC’ will change the screen to display the new grade choice.

To change back to the assigned grade again, click “Keep Grade.”


To review the impact on your GPA, go to Step 3: Review GPA.

The Term GPA and Cumulative GPA comparisons will display.  With a “Pass” grade, the credits will stay the same, but the grade will not affect your Term GPA.


Option 2: Keep Grade

If you are satisfied with your posted grade and want to keep it, do nothing with the grade selection. To review the impact on your GPA, go to Step 3 to Review GPA.

The Term GPA and Cumulative GPA comparisons will display. Since it is a graded course, the credits will stay the same and your term GPA will change.

You can do multiple calculations with the Pass/NC and Keep Grade buttons by returning to Step 2: Grade Selection.  Once you are satisfied with your grade selections, you must sign and finalize the form in Step 4: Signature and Finalize. 

Move the slide for each statement to the “yes” position.

If you are an athlete, you will have an additional statement slider.

Click on the ‘Submit/Finalize Grade Request’ button.

Finally, confirm your choices. Please note: Once you select ‘Yes’ to Lock your choices, the form will not be able to be changed.

To verify that your selections were successfully changed, go back into the form by selecting the same tile from the home page.  You will note that the grades cannot be changed and your signature will be noted below: