To export your class roster to an Excel spreadsheet, navigate to “My Schedule” (Main Menu > Self Service > Faculty Center > My Schedule).

Click on the “Class Roster” icon located to the left of the class you wish to export.

Click on the “Download” icon located at the top of the class list. 

Note: Be sure your pop-­‐up blockers are turned off!

A dialogue box will appear. Choose “Save File” and then click “OK.” The appearance of this dialog box will vary depending on the type and configuration of your computer and/or browser.

The file will download to the default location on your computer (probably the “Downloads” folder). Locate the file to open the roster in Excel.

Note: By default, the download file is name “ps.xls.” you should rename this file so it is more descriptive. A naming style incorporating the course name and details, such as “ITC_321_010_Fall_2011.xls” is recommended.