At the top-right corner of the screen, Faculty and Staff will now have a Personalize Homepage option in their MyKU menu.

Clicking on that option brings them to the following screen:

From here, the Faculty/Staff can review the Tiles on their current homepages. Note: Any changes made on this screen are not finalized until the Save button is clicked.

Rearranging Tiles

Tiles can be clicked and dragged into any order on a Homepage, unless they’re defined as Required – Fixed by the MyKU team.  When a Faculty/Staff member clicks and drags a Tile, the tile will turn transparent and have a yellow dotted line around its border until the Tile is placed:

Tiles can be placed by dropping them over an existing Tile. 

The dropped Tile will then appear AFTER the existing Tile:

Faculty/Staff can also rearrange Tiles directly on a Homepage, using the same drag-and-drop method:

Removing Tiles

Tiles with an "X" icon in the top-right corner can be removed, since they’re defined as Optional Tiles for that Homepage.  Clicking on the icon removes the Tile from that Homepage.

Moving/Copying Tiles Between Homepages

Tiles with an edit icon in the bottom-right corner can be moved/copied to other Homepages. 

After clicking on the tile’s icon, an action prompt will pop up:

Clicking on either option will then display a list of Homepages where the Faculty/Staff member could “send” the Tile:

If the selected Tile already exists on the Faculty/Staff member’s other Homepages, a list of Homepages will not appear when an Action is selected:

If a Faculty/Staff member Copies a Tile to another Homepage, the Tile will be copied to the destination Homepage, and appear after the Tiles currently assigned to that Homepage.

If a Faculty/Staff member opts to Move a Tile to another Homepage, the Tile will be copied to the destination Homepage, and appear after the Tiles currently assigned to that Homepage.  If that Tile is defined as a Required tile on the source Homepage, the Tile WILL ALSO move to the end of the source Homepage.

Adding Tiles

Tiles can be added to a Homepage with the Add Tile button at the top-right corner of the Personalize Homepage screen.

Tiles are organized into Repositories, based on their functionality.  Relevant Tile Repositories are displayed in a pop-up window when the Add Tile button is clicked:

Faculty/Staff can click on each Repository to view its Tiles:

Engage@KU Tile from the KU Campus Info Repository added to this Faculty member’s KU Faculty Homepage

Tiles that are added can be re-arranged, copied to other Homepages, or removed from a Homepage once they’ve been placed on a Homepage.

Alternatively, a Faculty/Staff member can navigate to a MyKU screen, then click on the Menu at the top-right and add the screen to the Homepage.  Screens added appear at the bottom of the selected Homepage.

Setting a Default Homepage

Faculty/Staff can specify a default Homepage in the Personalize Homepage screen by clicking and dragging their desired default to the top of the Homepage list, then dropping it on top of the 1st item in that list:

KU Campus Information Homepage dropped onto KU Faculty Homepage, making it the new default Homepage.

After clicking on the Save button, the next time the Faculty/Staff signs into MyKU, their new default Homepage will be displayed.

Adding a Homepage

A Faculty/Staff member can also create their own personal Homepage by clicking the Add Homepage button on the Personalize Homepage screen:

In the window that appears, click on the My Homepage option.

Once created, the Faculty/Staff member must add Tiles to the Homepage.

A Faculty/Staff member has the ability to only create 1 personal custom Homepage. Once created, the custom Homepage can be deleted by clicking on the "X" icon within the list of Homepages on the left.