
After logging into MyKU, you’ll see a series of cards. Each of these cards contains information relevant to you as a student at Kutztown University. 


The Student homepage on New MyKU, featuring several cards.

Cards can be customized by clicking and dragging. You can shift the position of the cards by clicking on the three vertical dots in the corner of a card and moving it backward (left) or forward (right). Cards can be removed from your homepage by clicking on the bookmark icon.


A card with multiple customization options visible. 

To add cards to your homepage, including cards you’ve removed, click on the DISCOVER MORE button. 


Additional cards visible under Discover More.  

From the Discover page, you can search for more cards. Use the terms below the search bar to filter by category and click the bookmark icon to add a card to your homepage. 

Use the hamburger menu on the top left to filter your cards.
A link to the KU IT homepage can be found towards the bottom of the menu.


Options visible in the hamburger menu include links to Home, Academics, Community, and Support.Use the calendar icon in the top-right to view upcoming events from the University calendar. 


The calendar view.
Click on the bell icon to view notifications, including information about changes to Experience. 


Notifications in the New MyKU.
Click on your image (or initial) in the top-right to view your profile and account or sign out of Experience. 

A demo student's profile pop-up.Profile

Your Profile in Experience is read-only and displays basic information about your account. 

 A sample profile in Experience.


The Favorites card allows you to add custom links to your homepage. 

An empty Favorites card.
The form for adding a new link to the Favorites Card.

To-Do List

The To-Do List card is used to track personal tasks and reminders. Click ADD NEW TASK, enter a description, and pick a reminder interval to add an item, then click the checkbox next to the task to dismiss it. 

A sample to-do list with one incomplete item. The form for adding a new to-do list item.

Student Self Service

The Student Self Service card contains links to frequently-used tools in MyKU.

The student self service card with multiple options.

Class Schedule

The Class Schedule card contains your day at a glance. Use the arrows or click a different day to see that schedule. Schedule items include your course’s code and location. 


The class schedule card showing one scheduled class.

Resources and Applications

The Resources card contains general information about Kutztown University. 


Resources available via the Resources card. 

The Applications card contains frequently-used resources outside of MyKU.

External applications available in the Applications card.


Clicking Dashboard in will direct you to the Student Services portal. From this portal, you can perform a variety of tasks associated with your Student Records, Account, and Financial Aid. 

The Student Services dashboard.

Class Schedule

The Class Schedule link shows your current schedule and registrations. The top panel provides a list of current courses. The second tab shows active registrations.

The general view of a student's class schedule.

The list view of a student's class schedule.


Your schedule in the bottom panel can be shown as a weekly grid or in detail, which lists more information about each course.  

A sample weekly calendar.The detailed view of a course.

Course Catalog

The Course Catalog link allows you to browse all classes offered at Kutztown University. More details about this search tool can be found in the Course Catalog Search guide. 

The basic course catalog search.

Personal Information

The Personal Information link allows you to view your MyKU profile and update certain pieces of information. From here, you can update your emergency contacts and phone numbers and manage proxy (delegated) access. 

The Personal Information landing page.

The form to update Proxy information.


The Registration link allows you to browse courses, check your registration eligibility, create plans for future semesters, and enroll in courses. 


The options available under Registration include browsing classes, planning ahead, and registering.