The Grade Entry tool is used to enter students’ final grades for a course.
To enter grades, click on Grade Entry under Faculty Self Service.
Note that the Faculty Grade Entry screen is always accessible, but grades cannot be entered for a course until the Registrar enables grade entry for its corresponding term.
Selecting Classes
The Faculty Grade Entry screen will show all current classes, including those which are not yet ready for grade entry. Click anywhere in a row to view grade entry for that class.
Once a grade is entered for any student in a course, that course’s grading status will be set to In Progress. Once all grades are entered, the status will show as Completed.
If grade entry is not yet available, the list will be labeled as Read Only.
Entering Grades
The class list in this view will have dropdown selectors for final grades. To set a student’s grade, select it from the dropdown.
To complete grade entry, click Save at the bottom of the screen. If you do not see the button, zoom in and then out to force it to appear.
Exporting Grades
Grades can also be managed via spreadsheet. With a course selected in the Grade Entry screen, click the Gear icon in the header, then Export Template. This will download a spreadsheet of students’ current grades.
Edit this spreadsheet as needed (you may have to Enable Editing in Excel) by entering letter grades into the Final Grade column and then save the file.
Importing Grades
With a course selected in the Grade Entry screen, click the Gear icon in the header, then select Import to start the process.
Click Browse to locate the template, then Upload. Click Continue to preview the entire class list. If necessary, check the box next to My Spreadsheet has headers.
Click Continue to map the columns. If using the template exported from the previous steps, mapping is automatic.
Click Continue to validate. This will preview only the rows that will change. If so desired, download a validation report using the link below the description.
Click Continue one final time to confirm the grade import and commit changes, then close the dialog with Finish. The page will reload, and the changes will be reflected immediately on the Faculty Grade Entry and Class List pages.
Note that imported grades can still be changed until the Registrar posts grades to students.
Viewing Grades
Final grades are visible on the Class List. Any students who have not yet received a final or midterm grade will have a link back to the grade entry page (Enter Grade). Grades that are not yet available for entry show as No Access.
Note that entered grades can still be changed until the Registrar posts grades to students.