The Register for Classes area is used to commit plans or individual classes to your schedule. Like the Plan for Registration area, this screen is split into three panels. 

 The three-panel Register for Classes area.


In addition to the class search utility, the top panel contains tabs to add courses by Course Reference Number, enroll from Plans, or view the current Schedule

 The various tabs in the top portion of Register for classes.


The class search utility will show a warning on classesthat conflict with your current schedule. 


A conflict with an existing registration.
Adding a class to the Summary will show it in the bottom-right panel as Pending and add it to the schedule preview on the bottom-left panel. Click Submit in the bottom-right to commit the selected courses to your schedule. 

The registration summary and schedule.  

Registration Errors

Registration errors occur when a student does not meet the criteria for a selected course. Errors will display in the top-right corner of the screen with a description. Clicking on an error will hide it, and clicking on the number in the corner will bring it back up.

Errors preventing registration.

Courses with errors will change from Pending to Errors Preventing Registration, with the recommended action being Remove. To do so, click Submit again and the course will be removed.