From the MyKU Experience Homepage, click on Reporting under the Applications tile to go to the reporting portal. When prompted, click Use Single Sign-On. You will be taken to the Argos Reporting landing page.
Argos Web Viewer - Grade Roster
To generate a report, click on Argos web Viewer. Then, click on Kutztown.
Once you navigate to the Shared Reports folder, all of the available reports will show up in a list in the center of the screen. Click on Grade Roster. It may take a few seconds to load.
Once it loads, please choose the Term, Subject, Course Number, and Section. Then, click on Grade Roster Report at the top and choose CSV Grade Roster Report. Next, click Run. This will generate a csv file of the roster. You can open it once it has downloaded.
This will generate a csv file of the roster. You can open it once it has downloaded.